Open Enrollment

Thank you for your interest in ACA. We are currently accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. 

Kindergarten/Begindergarten Application

Applications for the kindergarten/begindergarten program at ACA have closed. Applications will be reviewed and invitations will be sent for Round-Up, which will be held March 31 and April 1. Round-up will be a time for our staff to assess whether kindergarten or begindergarten would be a better fit for your child. 

Placement will be communicated via email on/around April 15. Parents will have one week to accept or decline their child's placement. If the placement is accepted, parents will be invited to interview with Dr. Jo Aukes, elementary principal, and Mr. Brent Knoll, head of school.  

1st-12th Application

The application will be available through April 30. We will review applications based on what openings we have for 2025-2026. Please note that all documentation must be submitted to be considered for enrollment. Once all parts of the application are completed, we’ll review your application and look to see if we have openings for the grade you’re looking for. If we can make a match with your application and your student, we’ll invite you in for interviews with our principal and head of school.

Click here to apply.