Ways to Give

Click here to donate to ACA 

Company Matching Gifts

Your employer may be one of the more than 1,000 companies that have matching gift programs. Matching gifts can often double your personal contribution. To find out if your company has a matching gift program, contact the human resources or personnel department at your company. When you make a donation to ACA, complete the form your employer will provide and enclose it with your gift.

Cash, Designated Gifts and Pledges

ACA willingly receives gifts in cash, check, or ACH withdrawal at any time. All gifts which are not designated to a particular fund, campaign, or special project are used for regular operating expenses. Gifts designated to an established fund, campaign, or special project are used as the donor has designated. Many donors find it easier to pledge a gift in several installments. This provides a way to give a larger gift than you might otherwise be able to give with a single cash gift. To give monthly, quarterly or any other schedule, please indicate your wish on a pledge form.

Memorial Gifts

Give in memory of a loved one and request their name be added to our memorial plaque located in our main entrance lobby.

Gifts of Stock

You may find it more convenient and financially advantageous to make a gift of appreciated securities, eliminating capital gains taxes. For additional information, please contact your broker, tax accountant, or financial advisor.

Gifts from Estate Plans

ACA would be grateful if you would also consider a gift to the school through a bequest in your will, trust or life insurance. Please contact your financial advisor regarding how estate planning benefits can be maximized for your continued enjoyment today as well as continuing blessings for this ministry in years to come. Gifts of cash, stock, or property may be designated to Ankeny Christian Academy.

On-Going Funds

On-Going Funds include the Education Foundation of ACA's Endow Iowa fund, School Tuition Organization (STO) fund, and the annual fund. 

Education Foundation of ACA’s Endow Iowa Fund

The Education Foundation of Ankeny Christian Academy was founded in 2008 by some of the same founders of our school for the sole purpose of supporting ACA. The Foundation has established an Endow Iowa fund through the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines as a general endowment to support the long-term financial needs of ACA. Currently, we are raising cash to build the fund. There is a 25% state tax credit available to endowment donors.

Typical uses of an endowment include extracurricular activities, programs, facilities, technology, scholarships, transportation, and other recommended projects. For more information on the Education Foundation of ACA’s Endowment Fund, please contact Hans Hoeksema, Director of Advancement.

School Tuition Organization (STO) Fund

Donating to the Heart of Iowa School Tuition Organization provides a tax credit to the donor and provides Christian education for those who otherwise could not afford it. By giving a gift to the Heart of Iowa School Tuition Organization (STO) you can help provide parents the opportunity to secure the best possible education for their child. Any student whose household income does not exceed an amount equal to four times the federal poverty guideline is eligible to qualify. Award amounts will be based on the total amount invested and the number and needs of qualifying students. This is an excellent chance to expand the reach and further the mission of Ankeny Christian Academy, to help our children deepen their faith and to prepare them for the world through Academic Excellence, Christ-Centered Discipleship, and Authentic Relationships.

In return for your donation, you will receive an Iowa tax credit valued at 75% of your gift. If you contribute $1,000, you receive a 75% state tax credit of $750 of your final state tax bill. Claiming your credit is easy; the STO will issue you a tax credit certificate, which you simply attach to your state tax return. To take advantage of this unique tax break, fill out the 2024 STO DONATION FORM and return it to ACA. If you have questions please contact Lori Blake, Advancement Coordinator.

Eagle Fund

Please contact Hans Hoeksema, Director of Advancement, or Lori Blake, Advancement Coordinator, at lori.blake@acaeagles.net for a current list of specific projects and needs.

Ankeny Christian Academy
Attn: Advancement Office
1604 West 1st Street
Ankeny, IA 50023-2525