Mrs. Hansen's Retirement

July 26, 2024

Our Elementary Principal, Mrs. Joyce Hansen, will be retiring at the end of the 2024-2025 school year after an amazing 42-year career in education. Mrs. Hansen has served Ankeny Christian Academy as an administrator and principal for 19 years.

As we all know, Mrs. Hansen has a heart for loving our students, calling them each by name, and praying for them diligently. Words can’t express the value she’s had at ACA, and we can never underestimate the level of impact she’s had on the students, teachers, and parents/guardians. She has led our school well, and we are so grateful for her dedication to ACA. We would be remiss not to mention the ways her husband, David, has served ACA alongside Mrs. Hansen, greeting families at events and being a wonderful support to her.

We are sharing this news now so we can celebrate Mrs. Hansen throughout this year as we bid farewell to a treasured member of our team. We, along with the community and ACA Association, will celebrate Mrs. Hansen in May with a party, Plans have been in motion for our leadership transition and will continue. We will share more about the transition intermittently this year.

We are grateful for all Mrs. Hansen has done, and we look forward to celebrating with her!