Morgan Crossman

4th Grade


My name is Morgan Crossman, and I am the 4th grade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher here at ACA. I graduated from Faith Baptist Bible College in 2023 with an elementary education degree, middle school, and coaching endorsements while playing volleyball all four years and basketball for the first two. I met my wonderful husband, Jon, at college, and we have been married since June 10, 2023. I also have the privilege of helping coach the high school volleyball teams and am excited to see how God will use me in that area.

While most people claim Iowa as their home, Minnesota will always be mine! I grew up in Plymouth, MN which is just 20 minutes west of Minneapolis. My dad is a pastor in the Twin Cities, so I was blessed to grow up in Christian home and knew the Gospel from a young age. I was 4 years old when I accepted Christ as my personal Savior in March of 2005. My mom had asked me and my sisters to clean up our toys, and for whatever reason, I chose to be stubborn and told her no. She asked me again, but I still chose to disobey. Then she told me to go to my room till she could talk with me, and I reluctantly obeyed. As I went up the steps, I realized that I could shut the door at the bottom, sit on the bottom step, and disobey her even more. So that is what I did; I sat there and was extremely proud I was getting away with my sin. While sitting there, I realized God was very displeased and disappointed with my sin. As a kid, I hated disappointing people, and God used that to help me realize my need for a Savior. So right there, I prayed and asked God to forgive me of my sins, and I accepted His free gift of salvation. I told my mom immediately after, and she asked me questions to make sure I truly understood the decision I was making. I was baptized by immersion a year later when I was five years old by my dad at the church he was pastoring at the time. I know that I am truly saved because I am trusting in Jesus every day, and He is constantly conforming me to become more like Himself. Praise God for His free gift of salvation!

Teaching and working with kids and their families has always been a passion of mine. Since high school, I have been involved in children’s ministries at my church, and it was there that I realized I love teaching children, specifically about our amazing God. I truly am excited to see how God will use me at His school this year and, Lord willing, in the years to come!