
“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us." Romans 12:4-6

The role of Ankeny Christian Academy’s Advancement Department is to help ACA families and friends of the ministry match their time, talents and treasures to the needs of the school ministry. ACA seeks to help those who have a passion for the mission and ministry of ACA through a range of volunteer opportunities and giving programs. The advancement office of Ankeny Christian Academy is positioned to advance the mission of the school by serving families and developing resources to continue providing an excellent Christ-entered education in the Ankeny community. 

Donate Now
The Eagle Fund

The Eagle Fund encapsulates all of our major extracurricular activities and general school support options.

Project Serve

As students go out into the community to serve, they are also inviting friends and family to support ACA and invest in the school and the school's mission.

Ways to Give

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Education Foundation

 Donate to the Education Foundation, who strives to advance and expand the mission of Ankeny Christian Academy.


By giving a gift to the Heart of Iowa School Tuition Organization (STO) you can help to provide a Christian education for children who normally could not afford one. In return for your gift you will receive an Iowa tax credit valued at 75% of your gift as well as the normal deduction from your federal income tax.

Legacy Gala

ACA's annual Legacy Gala celebrates the history of ACA and build excitement for the future. Learn more about sponsoring or attending. 

Planned Giving

Planned gifts are a way to designate a gift that is not actually received by Hospice of Siouxland until after your death. A planned gift is often made through a will, but can also be made in other ways, such as through a life insurance policy, an annuity or through other financial tools.

Ways to Give

Gifts of Cash

A gift of cash is a simple and easy way for you to make a gift.

Gifts of Stocks and Bonds

Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to our organization.

Gifts of Real Estate

Donating appreciated real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch or commercial property can make a great gift to our organization.

Gifts of Retirement Assets

Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets such as a gift from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan is an excellent way to make a gift to our organization.

Gifts of Insurance

A gift of your life insurance policy is an excellent way to make a gift to charity. If you have a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose, consider making a gift of your insurance policy. For example, you may have purchased a policy to provide for minor children and they are now financially independent adults.

How to Give

Giving to Hospice of Siouxland can be done either directly or through a gift model including:


You designate Hospice of Siouxland as the beneficiary of your asset by will, trust or beneficiary designation form.

IRA Rollover

Congress enacted a permanent extension of the IRA Charitable Rollover.

Beneficiary Designation Gifts

You can designate us as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy.

Charitable Bequest

A charitable bequest is one of the easiest and most flexible ways that you can leave a gift to Hospice of Siouxland that will make a lasting impact.

Benefits of a bequest

  • Receive an estate tax charitable deduction
  • Reduce the burden of taxes on your family
  • Leave a lasting legacy to charity

How a bequest works

A bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an attorney, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift to be made to Hospice of Siouxland as part of your estate plan, or you can make a bequest using a beneficiary designation form.

Here are some of the ways to leave a bequest to Hospice of Siouxland

A bequest may be made in several ways

  • Percentage bequest – make a gift of a percentage of your estate
  • Specific bequest – make a gift of a specific dollar amount or a specific asset
  • Residual bequest – make a gift from the balance or residue of your estate

IRA Charitable Rollover

You may be looking for a way to make a big difference to help further our mission. If you are 70½ or older you may also be interested in a way to lower the income and taxes from your IRA withdrawals. An IRA charitable rollover is a way you can help continue our work and benefit this year.

Benefits of an IRA charitable rollover

  • Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $100,000 from your IRA to our organization
  • Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year
  • Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions
  • Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts
  • Help further the work and mission of our organization

How an IRA charitable rollover gift works

  1. Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to us.
  2. Your IRA funds will be directly transferred to our organization to help continue our important work.
  3. Please note that IRA charitable rollover gifts do not qualify for a charitable deduction.
  4. Please contact us if you wish for your gift to be used for a specific purpose.

Beneficiary Designation Gifts

A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to make a gift to support Hospice of Siouxland. You can designate us as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy.

Benefits of a beneficiary designation gift

  • Support the causes that you care about
  • Continue to use your account as long as you need to
  • Simplify your planning and avoid expensive legal fees
  • Reduce the burden of taxes on your family
  • Receive an estate tax charitable deduction

How a beneficiary designation gift works

  1. To make your gift, contact the person who helps you with your account or insurance policy, such as your broker, banker or insurance agent.
  2. Ask them to send you a new beneficiary designation form.
  3. Complete the form, sign it and mail it back to your broker, banker or agent.
  4. When you pass away, your account or insurance policy will be paid or transferred to Hospice of Siouxland, consistent with the beneficiary designation.

Important considerations for your future

If you are interested in making a gift but are also concerned about your future needs, keep in mind that beneficiary designation gifts are among the most flexible of all charitable gifts. Even after you complete the beneficiary designation form, you can take distributions or withdrawals from your retirement, investment or bank account and continue to freely use your account. You can also change your mind at any time in the future for any reason, including if you have a loved one who needs your financial help.

Bequest Information and Language

Bequest Information and Language

An excellent way for you to support Hospice of Siouxland’s mission is to leave us a bequest in your will, living trust or with a codicil. One significant benefit of making a gift by bequest is that it allows you to continue to use the property you will leave to charity during your life. Another benefit is that you are able to leave a lasting legacy.

Types of Bequests

There are a number of ways you can make a bequest to Hospice of Siouxland.

Specific Bequest. A specific bequest involves making a gift of a specific asset such as real estate, a car, other property or a gift for a specific dollar amount. For example, you may wish to leave your home or $10,000 to Hospice of Siouxland.

Percentage Bequest. Another kind of specific bequest involves leaving a specific percentage of your overall estate to charity. For example, you may wish to leave 10% of your estate Hospice of Siouxland.

Residual Bequest. A residual bequest is made from the balance of an estate after the will or trust has given away each of the specific bequests. A common residual bequest involves leaving a percentage of the residue of the estate to charity. For example, you may wish to leave 30% of the residue of your estate to Hospice of Siouxland.

Contingent Bequest. A contingent bequest is made to charity only if the purpose of the primary bequest cannot be met. For example, you could leave specific property, such as a vacation home, to a relative, but the bequest language could provide that if the relative is not alive at the time of your death, the vacation home will go to Hospice of Siouxland.

Bequest Benefits

A bequest is generally a revocable gift, which means it can be changed or modified at any time. You can choose to designate that a bequest be used for a general or specific purpose so you have the peace of mind knowing that your gift will be used as intended. Bequests are exempt from federal estate taxes. If you have a taxable estate, the estate tax charitable deduction may offset or eliminate estate taxes, resulting in a larger inheritance for your heirs.

Bequest Language

In order to make a bequest, you should speak with your attorney. Your attorney can help you include a bequest to Hospice of Siouxland in your estate plan. We have provided some basic bequest language to assist you and your attorney.

1. Specific Bequest

If you are considering making an outright bequest to Hospice of Siouxland, we recommend the following language:

Bequest of a Specific Dollar Amount

I hereby give, devise and bequeath _________ and No/100 dollars ($DOLLARS) to Hospice of Siouxland, a nonprofit organization located at 309 Cook St., Sioux City, IA, 51103, Federal Tax ID #38-3320710, for Hospice of Siouxland’s general use and purpose.

Bequest of Specific Personal Property

I hereby give, devise and bequeath DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY to Hospice of Siouxland, a nonprofit organization located at 309 Cook St., Sioux City, IA, 51103, Federal Tax ID #38-3320710, for Hospice of Siouxland’s general use and purpose.

Bequest of Specific Real Estate

I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of the right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at ADDRESS OR DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY to Hospice of Siouxland, a nonprofit organization located at 309 Cook St., Sioux City, IA, 51103, Federal Tax ID #38-3320710, for Hospice of Siouxland’s general use and purpose.

2. Percentage Bequest

If you are considering making a bequest of a percentage of your estate to Hospice of Siouxland, we recommend the following language:

I hereby give, devise and bequeath ____ percent (___%) of my total estate, determined as of the date of my death, to Hospice of Siouxland, a nonprofit organization located at 309 Cook St., Sioux City, IA, 51103, Federal Tax ID #38-3320710, for Hospice of Siouxland’s general use and purpose.

3. Residual Bequest

I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Hospice of Siouxland, a nonprofit organization located at 309 Cook St., Sioux City, IA, 51103, Federal Tax ID #38-3320710, for Hospice of Siouxland’s general use and purpose.

4. Contingent Bequest

If (primary beneficiary) does not survive me, then I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Hospice of Siouxland, a nonprofit organization located at 309 Cook St., Sioux City, IA, 51104, Federal Tax ID #38-3320710, for Hospice of Siouxland’s general use and purpose.

5. Restricted Bequests

If you are considering a bequest but would like to ensure that your bequest will be used for a specific purpose, please let us know. We would be happy to work with you and your attorney to help you identify ways to give and meet your charitable objectives. We will also work with you and your attorney to craft language to accomplish your goals.

If you are making a restricted bequest, we recommend that your attorney include the following provision to give Hospice of Siouxland flexibility should it no longer be possible for Hospice of Siouxland to use your gift as you originally intended:

If, in the judgment of the Board of Directors of Hospice of Siouxland, it shall become impossible for Hospice of Siouxland to use this bequest to accomplish the specific purposes of this bequest, Hospice of Siouxland may use the income and principal of this gift for such purpose or purposes as the Board determines is most closely related to the restricted purpose of my bequest.