Dawn Stam

Fifth Grade



My name is Dawn Stam. I have been blessed to be a part of the staff and student life here in a variety ways over the past several years. I currently have the opportunity to work in junior high and high school math. I have also been involved with the summer camp program for a several years as well.

I received my degree in education at Dordt College in Sioux Center, IA which is also where I met my husband. My husband is a Physical Therapy Assistant and we both decided when we were getting married that Iowa is where we would put down roots. I grew up in a Western suburb of Illinois where my parents still live.

I grew up in a loving Christian home and my parents invested in our spiritual upbringing by sending us to a Christian school K-12. In second grade my Aunt was diagnosed with cancer, and she died the following year when I was in third grade. I loved my aunt deeply and our families were especially close. I remember asking my mom one evening about what it meant ask Jesus to be my Lord and Savior and come into my heart and how to do this. She shared that it meant praying personally asking Jesus to forgive me for all my sins, believing that he died on the cross and was raised from the dead to pay for all my sins and to save me from the punishment I would need to pay for them. Then she said I would also need to ask Jesus to be Lord of my life, to help me love him and serve him each day. This continues to be my desire and to keep growing in my knowledge and love for God.

Being a part of Christian education helped my knowledge of God and his love for me come full circle in that I was hearing God’s word read at home, preached at church, and taught in school. I was able to understand that God is not just in Bible class, but God is in control and involved in all the world through his creation and in the subjects we are learning. God gave me love for children as I grew up and gave me a desire to teach them not just to learn different subjects but to see who God is through the different subjects and their need for him in their own lives.

It is an honor and privilege to a part of kids lives through christian education. I have and continue to enjoy getting to know students each year and see them grow and mature!